
Welcome to Codeburners,

Competitive Programming can be difficult, especially at the beginning. This blog's goal is to provide materials that can help you ease the transition between being a novice and being able to conquer more challenging materials. Here are what to expect from our posts:

  1. We will stick to a weekly schedule (but might post more than once per week)
  2. The posts will first cover basic concepts and offer practice problems, but none of them are by any means trivial. The difficulty will increase over time but the earlier ones are beginner friendly.
  3. Some posts will refer to other posts / editorials from different sites. We will do this in case we think they offer a better explanation.
  4. There is an expectation that you know the materials from earlier posts in order to comprehend the more current ones.
Eager to learn more about concepts that have not been mentioned here? These are some great resources that can help:
For a book on competitive programming, look into this handbook. Of course, there are a couple of helpful competitive programming educational streams that you can look at as well, such as Algorithms Live! and Errichto's Stream.

Current Posts:
  1. Binary Search
  2. Dynamic Programming
  3. Pigeon Hole Principle


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